Survey – Questionnaire

Because this project is a survey and I am focussing on researching the demographics of the university, I have had to consider producing a questionnaire and consent form.

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For this project I am wanting to take photographs of students and workers at the university and use them as my research for the project. To do this I have to produce a consent form to give me written permission to use the photographs and their personal details which i gather from the questionnaire. The questionnaires will be anonymous,  I am going to number each photograph, consent form and questionnaire with the same number so I know which information belongs to each person. The personal information will be for research purposes only and will not be passed onto any third parties.

I am going to print all my questionnaires back-to-back as it is two pages and this will save on paper and also help when binding them all together. The reason for me to binding the data together is so that it is a piece of work in itself, it will work with the photographs but be a publications on its own.

I will deliver the consent forms and the questionnaires on a clip board when taking a photo. I will print around 30 to start off with in the first week. I will then add more in the following 5 weeks.

Here is my draft versions of the consent form and questionnaire. (please ignore the boxes with question marks in them, it is an technological error which will be rectified when I print the final version).

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